Lotus Midwest Ladyboss Lifestyle

What is Lotus Midwest?

Every morning, the lotus flower emerges from the murky swamp and opens up to a beautiful flower sitting atop the water.

The muddy swamp isn’t the prime environment for something to grow and thrive, and yet, the lotus flower does. In the workplace, women are presented with a similar challenge: How does one blossom in an environment that often isn’t designed for it?

Lotus Midwest, formerly Ladyboss Midwest, was created to strengthen the presence and power of women in the business community across the Midwest. We connect, uplift, and advance women in their careers by providing opportunities for women to have their voices heard, connect and share with their peers, and learn from those who are already paving the way.

Throughout the year we offer events like our yearly retreat, as well as a regular newsletter, articles on issues facing women, and research conducted to help better understand what it is women need to advance in their careers.

Ask us about one of the Lotus service offerings.

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